Discover how you can foster childhoods with equal opportunities!
You, too, can strengthen the sociality of equal opportunities where all children have a chance to succeed based on their merits rather than the socioeconomic context that they live in.
Discover how you can foster childhoods with equal opportunities!
You, too, can strengthen the sociality of equal opportunities where all children have a chance to succeed based on their merits rather than the socioeconomic context that they live in.
We have developed a simple model of socially responsible business between our organization and entrepreneurs.
GET INVOLVEDYou can also support childhoods with equal opportunities with a monetary donation or according to our protegees’ requirements.
DONATEVolunteers are My Place Under the Sun’s greatest strength.
GET INVOLVEDMore information coming soon.
GET INVOLVED*For more information how you can involve send us an e-mail at or call +385 95 906 6103.